Application of AI algorithms in diagnosis of fundus diseases

Project Leaders

Shaobin Chen

Partner Organisations



Artificial intelligence algorithms are increasingly being applied in the diagnosis of retinal diseases, leading to transformative advancements in the field of medicine. With the continuous progress of computer vision and deep learning technologies, artificial intelligence has made remarkable strides in ophthalmic medicine, providing powerful tools for the early detection and diagnosis of retinal diseases. Our current focus primarily revolves around exploring AI algorithms for various retinal diseases, including pathological myopia, diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma, cataracts, hypertensive retinopathy, age-related macular degeneration, and retinopathy of prematurity, among others. The objective of our research is to leverage artificial intelligence systems to facilitate the rapid screening of vast retinal image databases. By doing so, we aim to assist physicians in the early diagnosis of retinal diseases, ultimately enabling timely therapeutic interventions. The AI algorithms we develop are designed to analyze retinal images and identify potential abnormalities, providing valuable insights to medical professionals. This technology has the potential to significantly improve patient outcomes by allowing for earlier detection and intervention in retinal diseases. By harnessing the power of artificial intelligence, we aspire to enhance the efficiency and accuracy of screening processes for retinal diseases. Through the integration of computer vision and deep learning techniques, we strive to empower healthcare professionals with advanced tools that can support their decision-making processes and improve patient care in the field of ophthalmic medicine. We believe that the combination of artificial intelligence and ophthalmic medicine holds great promise for the future, and our ongoing research aims to contribute to the development of innovative solutions that can revolutionize the diagnosis and treatment of retinal diseases.

Project Example