
Macao Polytechnic University launches a project on "Intelligent Echocardiography" to address heart health challenges in the Greater Bay Area.

Dec  28  2023 ,

The Macau Polytechnic University (MPU) has been awarded the Research and Innovation Funding Program of the Macau Science and Technology Development Fund (Fondo de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico de Macau, FDCT) for the project "Research on Intelligent Multi-Parameter Computational Methods for Echocardiography". The team led by Prof. Tan Tao will focus on solving the problem of cardiac multiparameter quantification in myocardial infarction, and promote the innovation and dissemination of automatic cardiac multiparameter quantification methods in clinical application through echocardiography technology. EE ICASSP》發表學術研究論文《A Parameterized Generative Adversarial Network Using Cyclic Projection for Explainable Medical Image Classifications》,為澳門人工智慧乳癌診斷作科研支持。

The project is closely related to the hotspot of health development in Macao SAR, with special focus on the treatment and management of cardiovascular diseases such as myocardial infarction. The Macau Polytechnic University emphasizes the significant clinical, economic and social value of this research in the current context. Close collaboration with a number of universities and hospitals in the Greater Bay Area will ensure technological innovation and practical application, and drive the project to achieve a wider impact.

Prof. Tan Tao expressed his confidence in the project and predicted that the Ultrasound Intelligence project will move towards product realization. He emphasized that he would provide advice on research and industrialization, and welcomed the Jury to have in-depth communication with the project team, looking forward to the support and cooperation of professionals from all walks of life.